City Year

Digital Marketing Intern

January - February 2021 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

It was great because I had creative freedom when it came to creating infographics. It was also nice having another intern to collab with. I loved that our boss truly cared about us and getting to know us even if it was only a month-long internship.

What I wish was different

I wish that it had been in person, but due to COVID, it had to be remote.


Don't be afraid to express your opinions and ideas.
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July 2021 • Los Angeles, CA

What I liked

I like how supportive and quick the staff is with answering questions. Also the connection I have built with my partner teacher has grown every day.

What I wish was different



The days are long, but extremely rewarding when you see your strategies work and click with the students.
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Marketing and Communication intern

August 2019 • Orlando, FL

What I liked

I liked that I was able to work from home and have creative freedom.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have also been in office to gain organizational communication skills.


Don’t forget that this is an internship, it’s okay to make mistakes.
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January 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

Helping the future generation. Providing extra resources from communities that face oppression and lack of funds

What I wish was different

The funds and resources would be provided to ensure the children’s success


Always go in with the mindset that the child does not know and be willing to teach. Handle every situation with patience and grace
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AmeriCorps Member

July 2018 - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

The vocabulary used at City Year was self-aware, demonstrating qualities of positivity and growth. It wasn't weaknesses it was "grows," it wasn't things you were good at it was "strengths." These words produced a powerful team that I worked with to bring that same positive attitude to students in the inner-cities. The relationships that I had with them were genuine, and as I taught them about life, goals, etc., they taught me to be patient and understanding. Also, City Year gave me opportunities to take on leadership roles. I was the media coordinator for my school, which gave me the responsibilities and creative freedom to created newsletters.

What I wish was different

Of course, the stipend is not all that much but that is to be expected at many nonprofits. My only wish is that one day nonprofits will receive more funding and allow the workers to be paid more for the challenging work they do. Also, I would like to see City Year prepare the incoming AmeriCorps Members with what the day-by-day activities will be such as lesson plans, afterschool programs, etc.


Purpose. Find your purpose for being at City Year and influence it on the students. Interested in politics? Tell them about politics. Interested in writing (like me?) Get them writing, and show them how fun writing can be. Interested in accounting? Show them the benefits of accounting. Students are like sponges of information ready to absorb the next thing. And as long as you relate it to their lives, they are willing to listen.
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Student Success Coach

August 2018 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I loved being able to connect with people from various backgrounds who all had the same goals and aspirations in mind.

What I wish was different

I wish I had applied to be in Miami to begin with so that I could receive more training.


It’s hard work and draining, so it’s important to have and develop healthy self-care habits, and to reach out using the resources City Year provides you.
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Americorps Member

June 2018 • Detroit, MI

What I liked

I feel very purposeful in my job and it has helped me planned my future career goals.

What I wish was different



It's hard work. Very hard work, but every day is rewarding. The staff and managers are very helpful in finding us resources and trainings to help us improve. There are also a lot of networking opportunities for careers at future companies and nonprofits that partner with City Year.
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Summer Intern

June - September 2018 • San Jose, CA

What I liked

The culture of the non-profit.

What I wish was different

More hands on on projects.


The important thing to remember is that you are making a difference and that such a big problem like the inequalities within our educational system will not be solved over night!.
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Americorps member

July 2017 - June 2018 • Denver, CO

What I liked

My team!

What I wish was different

Salary was low!


Emotionally prepare !
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