Wells Fargo

Risk Management Intern

June - August 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I enjoyed the personal mentorship and generally welcoming atmosphere cultivated by my team. My team members were really invested in my personal and professional development and were always willing to lend me a hand or explain a concept.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more long term intern projects but this wasn’t possible because I had joined a brand new team without clearly established roles between members.


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June - August 2019 • Des Moines, IA

What I liked

I very much enjoyed the work. I had the opportunity to audit statistical models for validity and compliance to company risk policy.

What I wish was different

I didn't have many expectations going into my internship. But I came away with lots of knowledge and industry experience. I learned more this summer than any previous summer in college. I would have liked to spread out my experience throughout the company; I worked with the same team for the entire summer.


Don't have presuppositions or ideas of what your work may be like. Go in with an open mind and a heart willing to work hard and grow.
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Customer Sales & Service Representative Intern

May - August 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I learned a lot about how a bank works as well as its services which will be useful to me for the rest of my life.

What I wish was different

Only some interns were able to sit down with customers during regular business hours.


Great experience regardless of major and will answer a lot of questions you may have regarding bank services.
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Financial Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • Minneapolis, MN

What I liked

There were many things I enjoyed about my summer internship, but one of the things I loved most was how I had the ability to be involved in so many different projects and that my voice, my opinions, and my research mattered. I was not sitting on the sidelines doing busy work, I was actually looking at financial reports and preparing writeups to be seen by senior managers and deal team officers.

What I wish was different

One thing I wish was different about my internship is the resources provided to learn about different lines of business in commercial banking. Being provided more time to have interaction with analysts and managers from other lines of business would have been beneficial to my overall experience.


I suggest that you take this opportunity with an open mind. Going into the first day, I was nervous - scared that I wouldn't know much of anything and that I would not adjust well to the environment. But the moment I shook my first hand that morning and was introduced to the team, I felt that I belonged. I was provided all the material I needed to succeed during my internship and each staff was there for help whenever I needed it.
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Bank Teller

August 2018 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

Customers, team members, company values, flexibility

What I wish was different

I wish i had more hours but i am currently part-time.


It is alot to memorize the procedures and policies but be patient and it will be easy.
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Commercial Banking Financial Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • Greenville, SC

What I liked

They provided a lot of hands on experience and I got to network with other interns across the southeast by working on projects together.

What I wish was different



Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Bank Teller

August 2017 • Sugar Hill, GA

What I liked

The management and teamwork.

What I wish was different

Better scheduling.


Get involved in as many leadership roles as possible.
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Executive Administrative Assistant

October 2017 • Winston-Salem, NC

What I liked

The work is great and I work with a wonderful team.

What I wish was different

This has been my best position so far.


A temp agency is a great way to get your foot in the door. Then they can see your work and decide to hire you.
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Securities Operations Intern

June - August 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

What I most enjoyed about my internship was the culture at Wells Fargo. The company thrives off of diversity, so it was nice seeing employee's who looked like me and many others. The work load depending on your department/division is also very manageable and balances well with your personal life. They feel that work should only stay at work and when you walk out at the end of the day or week it stays in the office.

What I wish was different

I wished I could have had more time with my team and gotten to network with other departments to see the scope of work that is offered at Wells because the opportunities are endless.


One piece of advice I would share is to not be afraid to speak up. Just because you are an intern does not mean your voice is not heard either. Don't just sit there and wait for work, ask for it. The saying "close mouths don't get fed" is very true when it comes to corporate America. In order for you to grow and get the opportunity that you want you have to show it in many way than just one.
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Internal Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

Internal Audit at Wells Fargo welcomed me into their family and ensured that I was busy and had a really amazing learning experience.

What I wish was different

From time to time it felt like my manager was struggling to find work for me, as he was running low on tasks that he could give to an intern that didn't require more job experience.


Network, network, network. Everyone at Wells is very friendly and willing to talk to you about anything, even if your plan is to decline an offer at the end of the summer and look elsewhere. Wells Fargo really wants to help each intern they have.
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Commercial Banking Intern

June - August 2019 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

I like that my role was shadowing the Financial Analyst position and what they would do on a day to day basis. The Financial Analyst role is what I would go into first for a full time position in the commercial bank. I also got to see all the various roles in the office and how they worked together.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have connected more with other interns in Wells Fargo. For example–if there has been one weekend all of the Commercial Banking Interns could have met up at one of the hub cities and networked.


Don't restrict yourself on location or even employer. Internships are about testing out what you want to do after you graduate and where you could see yourself living. If you don't push yourself outside of your comfort zone–you'll never know your capabilities!
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Financial Analyst Intern

June - August 2019 • San Francisco, CA

What I liked

The internship gave me a good idea of what it would be like to work there full time. The people in my office were also very welcoming, willing to mentor, and help me learn about the bank.

What I wish was different

I wish they had more fun networking events for interns. They only bring the interns together that are a part of the analyst program which was only about 15 for the whole bay area (spanning Monterey to Sacramento).


Just use the summer as an opportunity to learn and be curious
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Market Risk

June - August 2018 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

Learned a lot about the financial industry

What I wish was different

More structure


Do the reading before starting - helps a lot to understand certain terms
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Financial teller

May - September 2018 • Laurel, MD

What I liked

Financial discipline Customer experience

What I wish was different


Be yourself, put yourself in a customer situation to better understand the customer needs. Be responsable, disciplined, cleaned and set yourself for success.
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Service manager

September 2015 - August 2018 • Klamath Falls, OR

What I liked

Fast pace, cash handling, operational task, managing a team

What I wish was different

Management being more consistent, pay gap was increased for people under me did not adjust accordingly


Need to be a quick learner, good work ethic
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Financial Anaylst

June - August 2018 • Winnipeg, Manitoba

What I liked

Awesome working environment. Learned a lot about banking and financial services while making a decent amount of money.

What I wish was different



Utilize handshake to find good opportunities like this
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Bank Teller

June 2018 • San Ramon, CA

What I liked

Learning about finiancial services

What I wish was different

Done more


Not taking things to fast all at once
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Capital Markets Technology Intern

June - August 2018 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

Professional environment and accommodation to incoming interns.

What I wish was different

Nothing it went pretty great.


Ask as many question as you can while you are an intern.
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technical analyst

June - August 2018 • North, SC

What I liked

The ability to experience a new city with professional people and environment.

What I wish was different



Dont be afraid to ask for help.
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Bank Teller

March 2016 • Denton, TX

What I liked

That they work with my school schedule and accommodate as much as they can.

What I wish was different

More room to develop


Triple count everything
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